Title LAB for Adults non-formal Digital Awareness
Acronym LAB-ADA
Lithuanian Practice Enterprises Association LIBA, Lithuania, www.liba.lt(Coordinator)
Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa, Italy, www.cscinovara.it
Eco Logic, The Republic of North Macedonia, www.ecologic.mk
PROMETEO, Italy, asprometeo.altervista.org
Ecoktima, Greece, ecoktima.com
Aims are to:
- create a tools for adult educators, adults which consist of non-formal digital learning possibilities;
- expand the offer of high-quality courses and increase participation through effective awareness, orientation and motivation strategies for groups of adult learners using the results;
- build a holistic framework and a replicable training model to manage the adoption of new skills among staff members of the organisations and low skilled workers.
Main objective is to create results that can help to create better opportunities for adults with low skills.
Target group:
- low skilled adults;
- adult educators.
- Mobilisation of the target groups.
- Identification of teachers/trainers which will subsequently be identified through an internal call made public among all target groups.
- Testing of results with low skilled adults, adult educators, learners, trainers, other stakeholders during round tables and collected feedback incorporation.
- Organization of small-scale Conferences in partners countries and Final conference in Italy.
- Creation a publication of good practice.
- Mapping frame for improvements of low skilled adults learning. A methodological document guiding the development of the Toolkit for remote co-design activities
- Toolkit for remote co-design activities. Platform with the aim of this is to strengthen the digital skills of the participants through the creation of an open-source toolkit for the development of creative-collaborative online projects.
- Increased use of digital technologies.
Project webpage: https://lab-ada.csciformazione.eu/
Duration 24 months, from 28/02/2022 to 27/02/2024
Number 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000033776